Flash Note

2022: a year of active stewardship illustrated
- Published
5 minute(s) read
81Engagements held
98%Meetings voted
55%Of meetings where Carmignac voted against management at least once
Carmignac held 81 engagements in 2022: -
In 2022, Carmignac voted against the management of our investee companies at least once at 55% of the meetings we voted compared to 41% in 2021:
The engagements presented below were undertaken in Q4 2022.
Sector: Professional services
Region: Europe
The Company is held in a number of Carmignac’s equity funds1 .
Teva Pharmaceutical Industries
Sector: Pharmaceuticals
Region: Middle East
The Company is held in a number of Carmignac’s fixed income funds4 .
1As at the date of the engagement reported (November 2022) and the date of publication of this case study (January 2023). Equity funds are Carmignac Grande Europe and Carmignac Portfolio Europe Patrimoine. 2https://carmidoc.carmignac.com/ESGEP_INT_en.pdf
3The proprietary ESG system START combines and aggregates market leading data providers ESG indicators. Given the lack of standardisation and reporting of some ESG indicators by public companies, not all relevant indicators can be taken into consideration. START provides a centralised system whereby Carmignac’s proprietary analysis and insights related to each company are expressed, irrespective of the aggregated external data should it be incomplete. For more information, please consult our ESG Integration Policy: https://carmidoc.carmignac.com/SRIIP_INT_en.pdf
4As at the date of the engagement reported (October 2022) and the date of publication of this case study (January 2023). Fixed income funds are Carmignac Credit 2025, Carmignac Credit 2027, Carmignac Portfolio Evolution, Carmignac Portfolio Global Bond, Carmignac Patrimoine, FP Carmignac Patrimoine, Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine Europe, Carmignac Sécurité, Carmignac Portfolio Sécurité, Carmignac Profil Réactif 50, Carmignac Profil Réactif 75, Carmignac Profil Réactif 100.
5The proprietary ESG system START combines and aggregates market leading data providers ESG indicators. Given the lack of standardisation and reporting of some ESG indicators by public companies, not all relevant indicators can be taken into consideration. START provides a centralised system whereby Carmignac’s proprietary analysis and insights related to each company are expressed, irrespective of the aggregated external data should it be incomplete. For more information, please consult our ESG Integration Policy: https://carmidoc.carmignac.com/SRIIP_INT_en.pdf