Corporate News

Carmignac is Best Multi-Country asset management company in Europe
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We are proud to be ranked best company in the category 26-40 Funds for the second year in a row. This award testifies to the quality of our product range and its capacity to deliver attractive risk-adjusted returns across asset classes in various market conditions.

European Funds Trophy rewards best funds and asset managers across Europe, where any company distributing at least one fund is rated. Asset Managers with similar fund offer in term of size compete against each other. Only funds with at least a 3-years of track record are considered where their 12-month risk-adjusted performance is analyzed across 12 rolling periods (as of 31/12/2022). An overall calculation of average score across products is calculated to designate the winner with the best overall result.
Our priority for the coming years is to bring the best of active asset management to investors, helping them fulfil their long-term goals whilst contributing towards building a more sustainable world.